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need help to use C++ callback from garnet
May 29
May 29
Jun 04
May 29

I try use from D

Not sure how to make this work with D:

	EXPORTED_SYMBOL FASTER::core::Status NativeDevice_ReadAsync(NativeDevice* device, uint64_t source, void* dest, uint32_t length, FASTER::core::AsyncIOCallback callback, void* context) {
		return device->ReadAsync(source, dest, length, callback, context);

	EXPORTED_SYMBOL FASTER::core::Status NativeDevice_WriteAsync(NativeDevice* device, const void* source, uint64_t dest, uint32_t length, FASTER::core::AsyncIOCallback callback, void* context) {
		return device->WriteAsync(source, dest, length, callback, context);

I need to define FASTER::core::AsyncIOCallback callback from D, any way to workaround ? (like modify garnet source code to support pass a C function callback)

I am newbie to C++ and D, any help will be appreciate

May 29

On Wednesday, 29 May 2024 at 07:47:01 UTC, Dakota wrote:


I try use from D

Not sure how to make this work with D:

	EXPORTED_SYMBOL FASTER::core::Status NativeDevice_ReadAsync(NativeDevice* device, uint64_t source, void* dest, uint32_t length, FASTER::core::AsyncIOCallback callback, void* context) {
		return device->ReadAsync(source, dest, length, callback, context);

	EXPORTED_SYMBOL FASTER::core::Status NativeDevice_WriteAsync(NativeDevice* device, const void* source, uint64_t dest, uint32_t length, FASTER::core::AsyncIOCallback callback, void* context) {
		return device->WriteAsync(source, dest, length, callback, context);

I need to define FASTER::core::AsyncIOCallback callback from D, any way to workaround ? (like modify garnet source code to support pass a C function callback)

I am newbie to C++ and D, any help will be appreciate

(here is the signature of callback)

typedef void(*AsyncIOCallback)(IAsyncContext* context, Status result, size_t bytes_transferred);

This can be written as following to match namespace and mangling scheme, assuming IAsyncContext is opaque pointer here, though I don't remember if enum need namespace as well.
But no guarantess anyways, try it and adapt it.
Also I can't remember if string list makes proper namespace or you should put FASTER.core instead (without quotes).

enum Status : ubyte {
  Ok = 0,
  Pending = 1,
  NotFound = 2,
  OutOfMemory = 3,
  IOError = 4,
  Corruption = 5,
  Aborted = 6,

extern(C++, "FASTER", "core")
class IAsyncContext;

alias AsyncIOCallback = extern(C++, "FASTER", "core") void function(IAsyncContext context, Status result, size_t bytes_transferred);
June 04

On Wednesday, 29 May 2024 at 09:01:13 UTC, evilrat wrote:


On Wednesday, 29 May 2024 at 07:47:01 UTC, Dakota wrote:



(here is the signature of callback)


Thanks for the tips.