April 03, 2021


class Foo

ubyte[] bytes()
    return new ubyte[1];


ubyte[] getBytes()
scope foo = new Foo();
return foo.bytes(); // Error: scope variable foo assigned to non-scope parameter this calling Foo.bytes

void main()
auto v = getBytes();

April 03, 2021

On Saturday, 3 April 2021 at 15:32:38 UTC, apz28 wrote:

return foo.bytes(); // Error: scope variable foo assigned to non-scope parameter this calling Foo.bytes

Add the scope storage class to your bytes() function to tell the compiler that the function won't escape any references to class members.

     ubyte[] bytes() scope
         return new ubyte[1];

If you want the compiler to infer this, make it return auto or make it a template function.