December 19, 2021

Someone asked about that and I cannot find the thread anymore. The goal was to write something so that one can pass an object of some type to a function that expects it to have certain methods. Sometimes, the functionality of the methods can be implemented using free functions, but if the function to be called lies in another module, how would it know of those free functions? UFCS only works with the functions in scope.

I tried to implement that and got some results. I called it subjoin.

For example, you'd write it as func(arg.subjoin!(f1, f2)) when f1 and f2 are "missing" as methods of arg.

Have a look at the code:

void rangeExpectingFunction(Range)(Range range)
    import std.stdio;
    for (; !range.empty; range.popFront)

void main()
    import std.range.primitives : empty, front, popFront;
    [ 1, 2, 3 ].subjoin!(empty, front, popFront).rangeExpectingFunction;

I hope the one asking for this finds this or is lead here by others.

December 20, 2021

On Sunday, 19 December 2021 at 21:53:09 UTC, Quirin Schroll wrote:


Someone asked about that and I cannot find the thread anymore. The goal was to write something so that one can pass an object of some type to a function that expects it to have certain methods. Sometimes, the functionality of the methods can be implemented using free functions, but if the function to be called lies in another module, how would it know of those free functions? UFCS only works with the functions in scope.

I implemented something like this a while ago and put it up on as addle:

Example usage, from the README:

import addle;
import std.range;

// Import a type from another module
import mylib: MyStruct;

// Define range primitives for MyStruct
bool empty(MyStruct a) { return false; }
string front(MyStruct a) { return "ok"; }
void popFront(MyStruct a) {}

// MyStruct isn't considered an input range, because
// std.range can't see our UFCS methods.
static assert(isInputRange!MyStruct == false);

// ...but extending it makes those methods visible.
static assert(isInputRange!(Extended!MyStruct));

void main()
    import std.range: take, only;
    import std.algorithm: equal;

    MyStruct myStruct;

    // Now we can use all of the standard range algorithms
        .equal(only("ok", "ok", "ok"))